Projects on indigenous people are presented in an international forum

Apr 26, 2017Sem categoria

New York April 26, 2017.-On April 26, within the framework of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 2017(UNPFII), the Permanent Secretariat of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization held a side event on “Isolated Indigenous People and in Initial Contact in Amazon Region”, which was attended by delegations from the ACTO member countries, representatives of international agencies, indigenous delegates and those of civil society from the countries participating in the Forum.

Representing the ACTO, the Executive Director, Minister Cesar de Las Casas and the coordinator of Indigenous Issues, Sharon Austin, presented the Strategic Agenda of Amazonian Cooperation (AECA) and the activities being developed under the Strategic Framework Program to develop an Regional Agenda for Protection of Indigenous People in Isolation and Initial Contact and of project and Indigenous People in Border Regions of the ACTO.

The interest of the participants was focused on the strategies of the new project presented to the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) on “Conflict Resolution and Collective Bargaining Skills in indigenous communities”. The proposal includes field missions to facilitate dialogue with the various Amazonian actors, with the purpose of analyzing criteria and recommendations that serve as a basis for finding mutual and peaceful solutions in cases of specific and critical situations.

Source: ACTO

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