The countries initiate dialogue on regional cooperation to face climate change

Jul 8, 2016Sem categoria

Brasilia, August 07, 2016.- In the city of Lima, Peru, on July 6 – 7, 2016, took place the dialogue “Cooperation Opportunities to Face Climate Change”, which was convened by the Permanent Secretariat of ACTO in order to identify the challenges and regional cooperation opportunities linked to the commitments made by the Member Countries  in the Paris Agreement and to collect inputs for the preparation of a work plan on Climate Change to guide the formulation of projects and funding seeking by the PS/ACTO.

The dialogue was conducted in three stages: a) motivational presentations by specialists in the subject; b) presentations of the participating delegations highlighting opportunities and challenges for the Amazon cooperation from national experiences; and c) regional dialogue to identify action priorities and regional cooperation projects.

After two days of dynamic work the Member Countries identified action priorities for the formulation of regional cooperation projects based on four axes: A. Integrated management of natural resources and biodiversity; B. Productive Systems and ecosystemic services/environmental functions; C. Integrated land management; and D. Strengthening capacities and exchange of experiences. These axes were cross-cutting for global mechanisms, such as: the UNFCCC, the Paris Agreement, the 2030 Agenda on sustainable development and means of implementation.

Finally, the PS/ACTO was encouraged to continue with the accreditation process in the Green Climate Fund (GCF)as regional implementing agency.

The encounter was also supported by the Amazonian Regional Program (PRA) and the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and of Environment of Peru.

Source: ACTO

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