President-Director of ANA/Brazil highlights the alliance with ACTO for water resources

Jan 10, 2023ACTO, Amazon Project, Integrated Management of Water Resources, Meeting

The President-Director of the National Water and Sanitation Agency (ANA for its acronym in Portuguese), Veronica Sánchez, and the technical team met with the Secretary-General, Alexandra Moreira, and the Executive Director Carlos Alfredo Lazary, on January 10 at the headquarters of ACTO.

The President-Director of ANA highlighted the importance of the alliance with ACTO and their interest in continuing with the implementation of planned actions for the Amazon basin. Moreover, the possibility of other work fronts, such as access to water and sanitation for the region, was discussed.

The Secretary-General of ACTO, Alexandra Moreira, appreciated the visit and said that part of the success achieved by ACTO is due to the technical support of the National Agency of Water and the support of the public management with the Brazilian government.

Also, she declared that the technical support for the Amazon Project has been fundamental for achieving progress and success through this initiative which is ongoing in its second phase.

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