ACTO discusses socio-bioeconomics, science and cooperation in Amazon Dialogues

Aug 4, 2023ACTO, Event, News, Summit

The promotion of sustainable economic development in the Amazon region was the theme of the activity carried out by the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), in the Amazon Dialogues, this Friday (4), in Belém (PA). The event “Dialogues on regional cooperation for the promotion of socio-bio-economic chains” brought together representatives of the public and scientific sectors of the eight countries of the Amazon. 

According to the Administrative Director of ACTO, Carlos Salinas, the region has a unique reality and a wealth of products that add social, environmental and cultural value. “It is curious because we are eight countries that have common problems and challenges, but each with its own national point of view. The activity allowed us to share experiences such as that of Colombia and Peru, which has promoted socio-bioeconomic products. I believe that the Summit will define aspects of the strategic agenda for sustainable development, which can further leverage the sector,” he said.

The objective of the meeting was to understand the policies and programs developed by the countries to support proposals for regional cooperation actions to promote the biome’s value chain. Also, to know the financial mechanisms for the promotion of these chains.



Another thematic activity that ACTO participated in, but as a speaker, was on academic research on the biome, which was attended by the Organization’s Executive Director, Carlos Lazary. “We need to be committed to the best possible scientific information and ensure the quality of the scientific weight of the information. The Amazon Regional Observatory is the result of this and the effort of cooperation and data sharing of public and scientific institutions. In it, it is possible to analyze information in real time such as droughts and floods in the rivers of the Amazon Basin “, he stressed. 

The activity was carried out by BioTec-Amazônia, which is chaired by Professor José Lourenço, one of the pioneers of the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), responsible for the implementation of the Center for Geophysical and Geological Sciences. BioTec-Amazônia is a bioeconomy intelligence center that promotes the sustainable use of state and regional biodiversity, combining business demands and scientific/technological knowledge.



The roundtable discussion “The Future of International Cooperation for the Development of the Amazon Region” was moderated by the Secretary General of ACTO, Alexandra Moreira, and hosted by the Brazilian Cooperation Agency (ABC), of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The event was attended by leaders of government agencies and entities from the eight Amazonian countries, responsible for the theme of international cooperation for development. Brazil was represented by Ambassador Ruy Pereira, Director of ABC.


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