ACTO received a visit from the IDB Mission and the work agenda focused on the integrated management of water resources

Jul 14, 2022ACTO, Integrated Management of Water Resources, Meeting

The Permanent Secretariat of ACTO received an important Mission from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) on July 11, 12 and 13, 2022, to work jointly with the Ambassadors of the eight Amazonian Countries and different members of international cooperation. 

The IDB’s important cooperation is currently focused on the integrated management of water resources with a water security approach that encompasses highly relevant issues such as access to safe water, sanitation and solid waste management, thus implementing ACTO’s social agenda as one of the priorities of the Amazonian countries.

Likewise, work is being done, jointly with the IDB and UN Environment, on the development of a project proposal to study the aquifer systems of the Amazon region to develop an action framework for the effective management of this subterranean water resource that is so relevant for the social, environmental, economic and cultural dynamics. 

Also, the preparation of a project proposal with the participation of representatives of the eight Member Countries to be presented to the Green Climate Fund (GCF, for its acronym in English), regarding the strengthening of the resilience of the Amazonian communities and the generation of greater adaptation measures in the water, sanitation and solid waste sectors.


IDB Mission : Sergio Campos, Head of the Water and Sanitation Division; Gustavo Méndez, Coordinator of the Southern Cone of the Water and Sanitation Division; Tiago Pena, Specialist of the Water and Sanitation Division of Brazil; and Luis Pabón, Advisor to the Head of the Water and Sanitation Division.

ACTO: Alexandra Moreira, Secretary General; Carlos Alfredo Lazary, Executive Director and Carlos Salinas, Administrative Director.

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