Countries agree to put in a great deal of effort to consolidate the Amazonian Regional Observatory

Nov 28, 2017Sem categoria

Iquitos (Peru), November 28, 2017.-Considering that the exchange of information among the countries and knowledge creation on the Amazon are strategic components for the development of the region, representatives of the ACTO Member Countries participated in the Regional Meeting of the Amazonian Regional Observatory (ORA), the Network of Amazonian Research Centers and the Peruvian Amazonian Research Institute (IIAP), in Iquitos, Peru.

At the event, the ORA and REDCIA management mechanisms were defined, a Research Agenda was elaborated and the actions to strengthen human talent for the Amazon were identified; as well as guidelines and directions for the development of the IT platform to manage the ORA.

These agreements allow precise guidelines, with defined periods and responsibilities, so that, in the first half of 2018, the Observatory will be in operation in its first phase. It is still hoped to consolidate the actions of the Network of researchers to provide solutions or create knowledge on the common problems of the Amazon, in CITES and biodiversity, forests and water resources, as the first priority topics.

The Executive Committee which will guide the actions of the Observatory and the Network was also established. They approved its operational regulations and the committee will be represented by a delegate from each of the 8 Member Countries and will have technical working groups that will support and advise the committee.

Finally, the delegates visited the facilities of the Fernando Alcántara Research Center (belong to the IIAP), where they met the laboratories of bromatology, biotechnology and genetics and fish farming. They also had the opportunity to meet the Amazon supercomputer, a technological infrastructure that performs data storage and processing functions of a sensor network, which is complemented with information from other sources, which processes data packages related to the geospatial analysis of the Amazonian territory and that develop models or numerical simulations.

The Amazonian Regional Observatory (ORA) will be constituted as a permanent virtual forum via the ACTO website which will offer the flow of information between institutions and intergovernmental authorities of the Member Countries, linked to the study of the Amazon, becoming a reference center of regional scientific-technological information and the socio-cultural diversity of the Amazon.

The Network of Amazonian Research Centers (RedCIA) will be integrated by institutions, universities or other forms of organization that work with the creation and management of knowledge to promote cooperation in scientific research among Member Countries.

Source: ACTO

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