Course of hydrosedimentology for technical of ACTO Member Countries is being realized

Jun 10, 2019Sem categoria

Brasilia, June 10, 2019.–  In this morning realized the opening of the course “H ydrosedimentology for technical of ACTO Member Countries”, as part of the second phase of the Amazon projects : Regional actions in the area of water resources, in the National Agency of Water (Ana, Brazil), in Brasilia, Brazil.

The opening ceremony was realized by the superintendent of implementation of programs of projects of ANA, Tiberio Pinheiro and by the Secretary General of the ACTO, Alexandra Moreira.

Alexandra Moreira during her discourse expressed the gratefulness for the partnership with the ANA and stressed that this technical course is relevant because it will help to work jointly between the eight countries to the strategic management for the water resources in the Amazon basin.

She explained also that the public politics cannot be built and be opportunely effective without the construction from the technical area: “it is by them that is so important that they be accorded the instruments corresponding to all representatives of our countries”, emphasized.

The course will be held until the 14th and is imparted to the professionals working in the field of water resources, especially those working with the sedimentometric network in Brazil and in the other Member Countries of ACTO.

The objective is to transmit the knowledge of engineering of sediments in studies in hydrographic basins, flow measurement, discharge of sediment into watercourses and studies of sedimentation of reservoirs, with emphasis on studies to the reality of the Amazon region.

The classes is realized in the ANA and it have duration of 40 hours, including lectures, practical classes in the field and on computers.

The field practice class of field, to be held, the 11th, in the station UHE Batalha Rio São Bartolomeu, in Cristalina, from 280 Km of Brasilia, the participants will realize liquid discharge measurement, suspension sediment sampling Equal-Width Increment Method  (EWI) and suspension sediment sampling Equal-Discharge Increment Method  (EDI).

Source: ACTO

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