Course qualifies in sampling and preservation of water and sediment samples

Apr 2, 2017Sem categoria

Brasilia, April 02, 2017.- A Module 1 of the course on Collection and Preservation of Water and Sediment Samples will be held from 3 to 16 April, which will be carried out through a distance learning for technicians and professionals of water and environment management of the Amazonian countries and the Latin American and Portuguese-speaking countries that are directly involved in carrying out field activities and participate in the planning of monitoring networks.

The objective is to train the participants in techniques of sampling and preservation of water, aquatic organism, and sediment samples for physical-chemical and biological analysis. As well as training them so that they can contribute in the planning of water and sediment quality monitoring networks.

This activity will have a workload of 50 hours, distributed in 10 hours for the distance learning and 40 hours for the face-to-face course (module 2) that will be held from April 24 to 28 in São Paulo, which includes a field visit to the Guarapiranga dam.

The course is organized by the National Water Agency (ANA), the Environmental Company of the State of São Paulo (CETESB), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Brazilian Cooperation Agency / the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (ABC / MRE) and has the collaboration of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) and the UN Environment – GEMS / water.

Source: ACTO

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