IDB Mission meets with representatives of international cooperation working with ACTO

Jul 13, 2022ACTO, Integrated Management of Water Resources, Meeting

As part of the work agenda of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) Mission to ACTO, a meeting was held with the directors and representatives of international cooperation working with ACTO to exchange information on projects to be submitted by ACTO to the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Green Climate Fund.

The Secretary General of ACTO, Alexandra Moreira, referring to international cooperation, said that everyone is doing a huge job for the Amazon Region. “We are several actors who in different ways are contributing to the public management of this important ecosystem,” she explained.

Moreira also assured that in view of the 48 million people who live in the region, there is an urgent need to implement an agenda with a much more socioeconomic vision.

In addition, he stated that since 2019, ACTO with the IDB have been managing a portfolio of programs and projects for the implementation of concrete actions for water security, for the management of water resources in the Amazon region.

For his part, the head of the IDB Water and Sanitation Division, Sergio Campos, explained the projects that will be presented to the GEF and the Green Climate Fund.

The first refers to the management of the groundwater aquifer system within the Amazon region, a study that will reveal the quality, quantity and conditions of water availability in the aquifer. The second on the improvement of climate resilience and water management in the Amazon basin, which will increase resilience in drinking water, sanitation and solid waste projects.


International Cooperation : Jaime Holguín, CAF representative in Brazil; Ana Lobato, Executive Advisor of the Embassy of Japan; Daniela Mota, Specialist Counselor in Environment and Sanitation of the Embassy of the United States; Michael Rosenauer, National Director of GIZ in Brazil; Rafael de Gorgolas, Cultural and Cooperation Counselor of the Embassy of Spain, and Cristina Carvalho, Adviser of the European Union.


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