International public tender for the consultancy services under the Project KfW (Bioamazon Project)

Jan 25, 2019Sem categoria

Regional Project to manage, monitor and control wild fauna and flora species threatened by trade

Ref.: “International public tender for the Consultancy Services under component 1 of the Regional Project to manage, monitor and control wild fauna and flora species threatened by trade (Bioamazon Project)”.

Closing date: March 22th, 2019

Consulting Services for:

  1. A conceptual and operational assessment for the development, improvement, strengthening and/or interoperability of national information and knowledge management systems related to CITES and Biodiversity in ACTO Members Countries and;
  2. The design of the conceptual configuration of the Information and Knowledge Management System (SIGC) of ACTO, including a concept for its operation and financing.

Executing Entity: The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization.

Funding Agency: Official German Financial Cooperation, through KfW.

Source: ACTO

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