Monitoring tropical glaciers seeks greater water security in Peru
Peru's National Water Authority (ANA), responsible for the national coordination of the Amazon Basin Project/OTCA, carried out a field expedition in April and May to assess and identify glacier areas in the snow-capped Carabaya and Apolobamba mountain ranges in...
Monitoring tropical glaciers in Bolivia contributes to water security in La Paz and El Alto, bringing benefits to the Amazon Basin
The Bolivian government and the University of San Andrés, together with the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), are developing, within the framework of the Amazon Basin Project (ACTO/UNEP/GEF), the Water Security intervention in the cities of La Paz...
Brazil and Colombia conclude study that will serve as a basis for building policies to protect and use groundwater on the Amazon border
The most dynamic urban agglomeration of all the Amazonian borders, formed by the twin cities of Leticia and Tabatinga, is located on the border between Brazil and Colombia. The local population moves freely between the two cities and the two countries, sharing...