ACTO is hiring a Project Management Coordinator
The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) is hiring a Project Management Coordinator for the Project to Support the Preparation and Implementation of the Strategic Agenda for Amazon Cooperation. DUTIES OF THE COORDINATOR Will be responsible for accompanying...
ACTO and AIDESEP exchange strategies for the protection of indigenous peoples’ health and training of community agents
At a meeting with the Interethnic Association for the Development of the Peruvian Rainforest (AIDESEP), the activities of the Contingency Plan for the Protection of Health of Highly Vulnerable Indigenous Peoples in Initial Contact (ACTO/PAHO/IDB) project were...
A basic document is agreed for the health care of indigenous peoples of the Bahuaja Sonene parks (Peru) and the Madidi park (Bolivia)
Moving forward with the health component of the binational agreement of the Bahuaja Sonene (Peru) and Madidi (Bolivia) parks, representatives of the National Nature Conservation Services and the Ministries of Health and Indigenous Affairs met virtually at the...