Recommendations and conclusions for the territorial protection and health care for indigenous communities were presented in the triple border region of Peru, Brazil, and Bolivia
The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) executed the Trinational Meeting Peru, Brazil, and Bolivia, where they defined actions benefitting the health of the population and indigenous peoples from the triple border region, in the Amazon region particularly....
Healthcare actions for indigenous peoples are presented in the Tri-national meeting
In the area of the Project Contingency Plans for Health Protection of Highly Vulnerable Indigenous Peoples and in Initial Contact (ACTO/PAHO/IDB), the Tri-national meeting of the triple border Peru (Madre de Dios), Brazil (Acre), and Bolivia (Pando) is taking place...
The articulation about healthcare services in the border region of MAP (Madre de Dios – Acre – Pando) is being discussed in the meeting
The Trinational meeting took place in Rio Branco, Acre (Brazil). In this meeting, the participants will be defining the articulation between the health services in the triple border Peru (Madre de Dios), Brazil (Acre), and Bolivia (Pando), to care for indigenous...