To follow up on the implementation of the Amazonian Regional Observatory (ARO) modules, a meeting was held on February 24 with representatives of the LINKER company that was contracted to develop the Indigenous Peoples and Health module. The module is part of the project Contingency Plan for Health Protection of Highly Vulnerable Indigenous Peoples and in Initial Contact (ACTO/PAHO/IADB).
The diversity of the territories in border regions, and their specific characteristics considering the particularities of the Indigenous Peoples involved in Situational Health Studies will be part of the design of this module. These detailed aspects expand its operationality in the sense of locating the information contained in the documents emanating from the consultancies within the scope of the Contingency Plans project.
The territories under study are located in border regions, identified by the red dots in the map:
- Napo/Curaray/Tigre (Peru-Ecuador),
- Loreto/Vale do Javari (Brazil-Peru),
- -Border rgion (Brazil-Guyana-Suriname),
- Madre de Dios/Acre (Peru-Brazil),
- Putumayo/Iça (Peru-Colombia-Brazil),
- Madidi-Bahuajá Sonene Parks (Bolivia-Peru).
This module will be linked to the other modules of the Amazonian Regional Observatory (ARO): CITIES, Forests, Water Resources, Biodiversity. Additionally, the development of another module about Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change is planned, which will be financed by Euroclima.