Brasilia, July 2, 2016.- The Secretary-General of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), Maria Jacqueline Mendoza and the Director of the South America Department II (DASII) of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Clemente Baena Soares, opened today, on May 5th the first Regional Videoconferencing Room in the framework of the Project Monitoring the Forest Cover in the Amazon Region (Monitoring of Deforestation, logging and land use change in the Pan-Amazonian Forest -RED PD 029/09 Rev1F).
The videoconferencing room installed in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Brazil will ease communication among the Foreign Ministries of the eight Member Countries of ACTO, as well as promoting the exchange of experiences and methodologies in the Monitoring project performed by the observation rooms implemented in the countries. This initiative is financed by the Amazonian Fund of the National Bank of Economic and Social Development of Brazil (BNDES). Installation of other rooms in the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of the Member Countries is also planned.
Source: ACTO