Official name: Plurinational State of Bolivia
National day: August 6th (Independence Day)
Capital city: Sucre (constitutional capital), La Paz (seat of government)
Form of government: Unitary, democratic, representative and presidential Republic
Political division: The country is structured, both politically and administratively, into 9 Departments, 12 Provinces and 324 Municipalities
Head of state: Luis Arce
Population: 9,427,219
Language: Spanish, Quechua, Aymara and Tupiguarani
Currency: Bolivian
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Hiring an Indigenous Peoples Specialist
Application Closing Date:17/05/2024 To Submit Your Application: Interested candidates should send their CV and one-page motivation...
Short-Term Consultant: Dashboard developer using ePackaging (Visualization and interactive)
Application Closing Date:17/05/2024 To Submit Your Application: Interested candidates should send their CV and one-page...
Call for applications: Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Specialist
Application Closing Date:17/05/2024 To Submit Your Application: Interested candidates should send their CV and one-page...
ACTO is hiring an Environmental Specialist for the ARO
Application Closing Date:17/05/2024 To Submit Your Application: Interested candidates should send their CV and one-page motivation...
Bidding: acquisition and supply of Automatic Data Collection Platforms (DCP)
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ACTO member countries set up ANWA – Amazon Network of Water Authorities
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