Call for Bid: Acquisition and Installation of PCD Equipment for Peru

Aug 16, 2024Sem categoria

The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) invites qualified companies to participate in the tender process for the supply and installation of Data Collection Platforms (PCDs). This process also includes the provision and installation of equipment, necessary infrastructure, and consideration of all associated costs (freight, taxes, homologation, etc.).

The purpose of this tender is to improve the monitoring and integrated management capacity of the Amazon Basin through the installation of Automatic Data Collection Platforms (PCDs). This will allow for more efficient management of water resources and better response to extreme conditions such as floods and droughts.

The acquisition of the PCDs aims to strengthen the monitoring capacity of the Member Countries, enabling more efficient integrated management of the basin and, consequently, improving the response to extreme conditions, whether floods or droughts, in the Madeira River sub-basin.

Bid Details

Opening Date: August 16, 2024
Type: Global Cost Public Bidding

Key Deadlines

Consultation Period: August 16 to September 15, 2024
Deadline for Proposal Submission: September 15, 2024
Publication of Results: October 1, 2024
Contract Signing: October 15, 2024

Specific Objective

The selected company will be responsible for:

  • Acquiring and supplying the PCDs and all their components;
  • Constructing the infrastructure for the installation of the PCDs;
  • Installing, configuring, and commissioning the PCDs; and
  • Providing technical training to local personnel for the operation and maintenance of the PCDs.

Companies must submit:

Interested companies should submit their technical proposals including the following detailed information:

  • Equipment Package Information
  • Team Formation
  • Company Experience
  • Certifications and Approvals
  • Training and Technical Support
  • Experience in Similar Projects
  • Economic Proposal
  • Technical Proposal
  • Offer Maturity and Payment Terms

Submission of Documents and Proposals

Proposals must be submitted in digital format to, indicating in the subject [Amazonas Project – Data Collection Platform Acquisition – PCD], or through the form available at



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