Determination of National Harvest Quotas for 24 selected species

Dec 20, 2021Bioamazon Project, Biodiversity, Sem categoria, Technical paper series


The Bioamazon Newsletter n. 12 brings the technical paper “Determination of National Harvest Quotas for 24 selected species”. It is a contribution from Alona Sankar, Commissioner, Guyana Wildlife Conservation and Management Commission, and Gavin Agard, Independent Consultant.

Summary: Changes in local law in Guyana brought the country’s legislation into compliance with CITES category 1 and provided for the Guyana Wildlife Conservation and Management Commission to assume responsibility for all aspects of the harvest and trade in wildlife. Consequently, the GWCMC has sought to determine a methodology for the establishment of harvest quotas within specified harvest zones, and to use that methodology to establish quotas for 24 selected species. The method developed was based on the concept of maximum sustainable yield, the precautionary principle and CITES concept of non-determent and utilized available data on the species. Quotas above zero could only be determined for 21 species. A lack of data and conservation concern related to the other 3 species resulted in a zero quota. Data availability was the major limitation. Careful monitoring of the implementation of these quotas is recommended.

Key Words: Quota, CITES, harvest zones, method, sustainable yield, precautionary principle

Read the full article in this link

Published in the Bioamazon Newsletter, issue n. 12, Nov-Dec 2021.

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