ACTO holds a side event at COP 15: The global importance of the Amazon
As part of the 15th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP 15) in Montreal, Amazon Cooperation Treaty...
Digital solutions for biodiversity conservation
On behalf of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization, Mauro Ruffino presented the Amazon Regional Observatory in the webinar The Twin...
ACTO receives status of Permanent Observer at the UN General Assembly
Today, December 7, the United Nations General Assembly approved Resolution A/77/439, which grants the Amazon Cooperation Treaty...
ACTO will hold Side Event at CBD COP 15 “The global importance of the Amazon: Pre-launch of results of the Rapid Assessment of Biological Diversity”
The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO) invites everyone to its Side Event: “The global importance of the Amazon: Pre-launch of...
Presentation of the proposal for the Indigenous Peoples Module of the Amazon Regional Observatory to Member Countries
With welcoming remarks, the Executive Director of ACTO, Ambassador Carlos Lazary, inaugurated the workshop for the creation of the...
The technical report on the illegal trade of five Amazonian species listed in CITES was released
The study was carried out within the scope of the ACTO Amazon Regional Observatory. The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization presented...
Increases the number of tree species listed on CITES
More than 150 tree species have been included in Appendix II, with more than 80% of these species being endemic to the Americas. “As you...
ACTO will implement the Amazon Node in GBIF
The coordinator of the Amazon Regional Observatory, Mauro Ruffino, presented the ARO functionalities at the LifeWatch ERIC and GBIF event,...
Amazon Basin Project is recruiting a consultant senior institutional Specialist
Acto is recruiting a consultant Senior Institutional Specialist to implement the activities of the Project Output 1.1 in a complementary...