Proposal for a Fisheries management plan for the responsible and sustainable use of Arapaima in the Ecuadorian Amazon

Nov 26, 2021Bioamazon Project, Technical paper series


The Bioamazônia Newsletter n. 11 brings the technical article Proposal for a fisheries management plan for the responsible and sustainable use of pirarucu in the Ecuadorian Amazon, by consultant Ricardo Burgos-Morán, Master in Biology and Professor at the Amazon State University.

Abstract: This document aims to provide the technical bases for the implementation of a fisheries management plan focused on the responsible and sustainable use of the Arapaima in the Ecuadorian Amazon. It should standardize environmental, social, economic, and institutional criteria. The information contained in the manual is based on field surveys conducted during the months of August 2020 and March 2021, with key informants, generating and obtaining information, and consulting official records of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition (MAATE acronym in Spanish); Vice Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture (VPA acronym in Spanish), Directorate of Amazonian Aquatic Spaces of the National Navy (DIRAMA acronym in Spanish); and the Environmental Police Unit (UPMA acronym in Spanish). Forty-three local participants were interviewed, including representatives of indigenous and mestizo riverine communities, and institutions from Ecuador and Peru. The proposal examines the natural distribution of the species, the context of its wild use for subsistence, illegal commercial extraction of meat and juveniles to assess management measures focused on the institutional framework of the fishing sector in the Ecuadorian Amazon, to promote its governance; aquaculture restocking; fishing management tools such as closures, minimum sizes, extraction quotas, fishermen’s registry; as well as generate scientific information.

Key words: Arapaima gigas, Arapaima, responsible and sustainable management, Ecuador.

Read the full article in this link

Published in the Bioamazon Newsletter, issue n. 11, Sep-Oct 2021.

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