Strategies for the conservation of turtles in Venezuela

Jun 13, 2022Bioamazon Project, Biodiversity, Technical paper series


Bioamazon Newsletter n. 15 publishes the technical article Strategies for the conservation of the Arrau (Podocnemis expansa), Terecay (Podocnemis unifilis), Cuttlefish (Podocnemis erythrocephala) and Big-headed (Peltocephalus dumerilianus) turtles in Venezuela. This is a contribution from Edis Solórzano, consultant, and Carliz Díaz, General Director of Biological Diversity. Ministry of Popular Power for Ecosocialism. Venezuela.

Summary: This study briefly presents conservation strategies and actions conducted in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for freshwater turtles Podocnemis expansa, P. unifilis, P. erythrocephala and Peltocephalus dumerilianus, aimed at maintaining ecological processes, and preserve populations and ensure the sustainable use of these species. Among the strategies applied the development of a management plan for the sustainable use of the four species stand out, which will provide legal technical standards for the promotion of their sustainable use and legal trade, along with create socio-economic alternatives to supplement and improve the livelihoods of local and indigenous communities in their natural distribution areas.

Key-words: continental turtles, conservation, sustainable use, Venezuela.

To read the full articlete, click here.

Published in the Bioamazon Newsletter, issue n. 15, May-June 2022.

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