Emerging topics
Ongoing Projects
Implemented Projects
These themes have been defined in three subtopics, which are:
Climate Change has the objective to coordinate and harness efforts in the region to counter the impacts of climate change, mainly by protecting the Amazon and its local populations identifying alternatives to strengthen regional cooperation.
Regional Development has the objective to promote economic and social development in integrated and sustainable Amazonian spaces by coordinating and disseminating public policies geared to job creation and income generation within a vision of sustainable economic development for the Amazon.
Energy has the objective to identify and exchange energy generation and consumption technologies that are adequate for the Amazon Region and preserve its ecosystems and landscapes, with full respect for the sovereignty of the Member Countries and taking into account their national laws.
Additionally, regarding these Emerging Issues, ACTO’s action incorporates the thematic content of the social component of the ASCA that was built from the decision of the Member Countries and the priorities accorded in the Declarations of their decision-making bodies.
Parallel to the formulation of a proposal for a regional cooperation project on the Emerging Topics, the following initiatives are underway:
- Support for ecological and economic zoning in the State of Roraima in Brazil
- Youth Contest: Discovering the Amazon
Ongoing Projects
Project Contingency plans for health protection of highly vulnerable Indigenous Peoples and in Initial Contact
Project Contingency plans for health protection of highly vulnerable Indigenous Peoples and in Initial ContactVideosPhotosMore informationsThe project Contingency plans for health protection of highly vulnerable Indigenous Peoples and in Initial Contact seeks to...
Amazon Project: Regional action in the area of water resources
Amazon Project: Regional action in the area of water resourcesVideosPhotosMore informationsThe project is being implemented by the National Water and Sanitation Agency (ANA/ Brazil) and by the Brazilian Cooperation Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (ABC/MRE...
Bioamazon Project
Regional Project for the Management, Monitoring and Control of Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Threatened by Trade Bioamazon Project Conservation of species threatened by unsustainable tradeVideosPhotosMore informationsComponent 1 National and regional information and...
Implemented Projects
Project Institutional strengthening of ACTO Member Countries in ecologically responsible forest management and conservation of biodiversity in the managed forests of the Amazon (ITTO/CBD/ACTO)
Project “Institutional Strengthening of the Member Countries of ACTO in forest management environmentally responsible and conservation of biodiversity in managed forests of the Amazon (ITTO / CBD / ACTO)More informationsPublicationsDocumentsThis project seeks to...
Monitoring Project of Forest Cover in the Amazon Region Monitoring of Deforestation, Forest Use and Changes in Land Use in the Pan Amazon Forest
Project Monitoring Forest Cover in the Amazon Region/ Monitoring Deforestation, Forest Use and Changes in Land Use in the Pan-Amazon ForestMore InformationsvideoDocuments The "Project Monitoring of Forest Cover in the Amazon Region”/“ Monitoring of Deforestation,...
ACTO/UNEP/GEF Project- Integrated and sustainable management of transboundary water resources of the Amazon river basin considering variability and climate change
ACTO/UNEP/GEF Project- Integrated and sustainable management of transboundary water resources of the Amazon river basin considering variability and climate changeMore Informations videos Documents ACTO / UNEP / GEF Project - Integrated and sustainable management of...
- All
- ACTO Bioamazonia_p
- ACTO Biomaz_publ
- Amazon Strategic Cooperation Agenda
- Basin Amazon
- Biological diversity
- Environmental management
- Forests
- Forests Program_publ
- Indigenous Peoples
- Indigenous Peoples.
- Infrastructure and Physical Integration
- Institutional
- Institutional.
- Intercultural and Environmental Education
- Legal Basis
- Mitigation and adaptation to Climate Change
- Poverty, Inequality and Social Inclusion
- Productive systems
- Protected areas
- Regional health management
- Research, Technology, and Innovation
- Tourism
- Water resources

Amazon Assessment Report 2021 – Conservation measures to counter the main threats to Amazonian biodiversity – Chapter 27
Sectoral Agenda Conservation,Protection and Sustainable Use of Renewable Natural Resources Subtopic:
Amazon Basin Project concludes cycle of workshops this week to strengthen integrated management of Amazonian waters
The Amazon Basin Project, executed by the Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), is holding the last workshops this week as...
ACTO Successfully Presents the Results of the Construction of the Amazon Regional Platform for Indigenous Peoples
Virtual event brought together representatives from Amazonian countries and strategic partners to assess progress and future challenges...
ACTO Foreign Ministers approve the Paramaribo Declaration and reinforce their commitment to the Amazon
Paramaribo, February 3, 2025 – The Foreign Affairs Ministers and high-level representatives of the States Parties of the Amazon...
Suriname to host the XV Ministers of Foreign Affairs of ACTO
Brasília, January 31, 2025 – On February 3, the city of Paramaribo, Suriname, will host the XV Meeting of Foreign Affairs of the Amazon...
ACTO strengthens international alliances for the protection of the Amazon
A new space for strategic coordination aims to align investments and strengthen international cooperation in the region. Brasília, January...
Event to discuss model forest law for the Pan-Amazon in Brasília
Brasília.- On January 27 and 28, 2025, Brasília will host two internationally significant events focused on forest preservation, organized...