Infrastructure and Transport

Ongoing Projects

Finished Projects 


According to the thematic approach, the topic  Infrastructure and transport has the objective to promote dialogue mechanisms to analyze the impacts of the incorporation of the Amazonian territories in the economic systems of the countries (productive  and non-productive) through highway and waterway connectivity and information technologies, preserving ecosystems, landscapes and associated environmental services.

For the topic Infrastructure and Transport the following subtopics were defined:

  • Transport infrastructure.
  • Commercial Navigation.

Within the Amazonian Strategic Cooperation Agenda (ASCA), the actions conducted related to this topic have been concentrated in the cooperation process and regional dialogue for the formulation and approval of a Regulation for Commercial Navigation on the Amazonian Rivers, based on the provisions of Art. III, V, VI and X of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty. The draft Regulation for Commercial Navigation on the Amazon Rivers was initiated in 2010 with the constitution of an Ad-Hoc Working Group.

Recognizing the need to continue the negotiating process for the Regulation, the decision-making bodies of ACTO decided in January 2021 to reactivate the Ad-Hoc Working Group overlooking the presentation of a final draft regulation that collects the positions of the Member Countries.

Ongoing Projects

Amazon Project: Regional action in the area of water resources

Amazon Project: Regional action in the area of water resources

Amazon Project: Regional action in the area of water resourcesVideosPhotosMore informationsThe project is being implemented by the National Water and  Sanitation Agency (ANA/ Brazil) and by the Brazilian Cooperation Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (ABC/MRE...

Bioamazon Project

Bioamazon Project

Regional Project for the Management, Monitoring and Control of Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Threatened by Trade Bioamazon Project Conservation of species threatened by unsustainable tradeVideosPhotosMore informationsComponent 1 National and regional information and...

Implemented Projects


Belem Declaration and Brasilia Declaration and Resolutions

Belem Declaration and Brasilia Declaration and Resolutions

ACTO Management Report 2023

ACTO Management Report 2023

Reducing adverse impacts of Amazon hydropower expansion

Reducing adverse impacts of Amazon hydropower expansion

Amazon Assessment Report 2021 – Conservation measures to counter the main threats to Amazonian biodiversity – Chapter 27

Amazon Assessment Report 2021 – Conservation measures to counter the main threats to Amazonian biodiversity – Chapter 27

Status of Water Quality in the Amazon Basin – Executive Summary

Status of Water Quality in the Amazon Basin – Executive Summary

Amazon Regional Observatory

Amazon Regional Observatory

Bioamazon Project

Bioamazon Project

Acto Forests Program for the Basin and Amazon Region

Acto Forests Program for the Basin and Amazon Region

Atlas of Hydroclimatic Vulnerability of the Amazon Region

Atlas of Hydroclimatic Vulnerability of the Amazon Region

Rapid assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Amazon Region

Rapid assessment of biodiversity and ecosystem services in the Amazon Region

Amazon Basin Project (Folder)

Amazon Basin Project (Folder)

Compilation of the activities of the ACTO MC in the International Year of Biodiversity

Compilation of the activities of the ACTO MC in the International Year of Biodiversity

Program for Biological Diversity of the Amazon Basin/Region

Program for Biological Diversity of the Amazon Basin/Region

Amazon Strategic Cooperation Agenda

Amazon Strategic Cooperation Agenda

Newsletter – Peru: Manu National Park (Field Missions – Coord. Indigenous Affairs)

Newsletter – Peru: Manu National Park (Field Missions – Coord. Indigenous Affairs)

Integrated and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Water Resources in the Amazon River Basin

Integrated and Sustainable Management of Transboundary Water Resources in the Amazon River Basin

Legal Basis 2003-2012

Legal Basis 2003-2012

Amendment Protocol

Program for the development of a Regional Agenda for Protection of Indigenous Peoples

Amazon Cooperation Treaty

Regulation of the CCOOR

Regulation of the CCA

Regulation of the Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs (DUPLICA ESSE AQUI)

Newsletter – Peru: Manu National Park (Field Missions – Coord. Indigenous Affairs)

Strategic Action Program – SAP

Strategic Action Program – SAP

Newsletter nº3 Project Bioamazon

Newsletter nº3 Project Bioamazon

Newsletter nº2 Project Bioamazon


Regional report “on the status of forests in the Amazon Region”

Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis – TDA

Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis – TDA

Amazon Waters – 10 Research Projects on the World’s Largest River Basin

Amazon Waters – 10 Research Projects on the World’s Largest River Basin

Regional and Transboundary Conservation Initiatives in the Amazon Region

Successful Initiatives in Water Resources Management

Project Support to the Amazonian Social Agenda of ACTO

Project Support to the Amazonian Social Agenda of ACTO

Strategic Plan 2004 – 2012

Newsletter – Bolivia: Yuqui tribe (Field Missions – Coord. Indigenous Affairs)

Newsletter – Colombia: Rio Puré and Cahuinarí Nati (Field Missions – Coord. Indigenous Affairs)

Newsletter – Brazil: Javari Valley (Field Missions – Coord. Indigenous Affairs)

2º Regional Map 2013 (Monitoring Project)

Newsletter – Peru: Manu National Park (Field Missions – Coord. Indigenous Affairs)

Factsheets of the GEF Amazon Project

Factsheets of the GEF Amazon Project

Newsletter – Ecuador: Yasuni Park (Field Missions – Coord. Indigenous Affairs)

Newsletter nº 6 – GEF Amazon Project

Newsletter nº 8 – GEF Amazon Project

Newsletter nº 5 – GEF Amazon Project

Newsletter nº 2 – GEF Amazon Project

Newsletter nº 7 – GEF Amazon Project

Newsletter nº 10 – GEF Amazon Project

Newsletter nº 3 – GEF Amazon Project

Newsletter nº 1 – GEF Amazon Project

Newsletter nº 9 – GEF Amazon Project

Newsletter nº 1 – Monitoring Project

Newsletter nº 4 – GEF Amazon Project

Newsletter nº 2 – Monitoring Project

Regional Map 2000 – 2010 (Monitoring Project)

Poster_transboundary waters

Report of Activities of the Pro Tempore Secretariat

Suriname’s National Consultation Workshop on Criteria and Indicators

Sectoral Agenda Conservation,Protection and Sustainable Use of Renewable Natural Resources Subtopic:

Small-Scale Processing of Native and Introduced Amazon Fruits and Vegetables

Intergrated Circuits of Tourism

Developing Environmentally Sustainable Community

Guyana’s National Consultation Workshop on Criteria and Indicators

Cooperation Opportunities in the Amazon Region

Changes in the Hydroclimatology of the Amazon Basin and derived risks for Humans and Vulnerable Ecos

Amazonian Strategic Cooperation Agenda

Monitoring Deforestation,Logging and Land Use Change in the Pan Amazonian Forest

Legal Framework of the Amazon Cooperation Treaty

Community Forest Management in the Center-South of the Ecuadorian Amazon

Indigenous peoples and other tribal communities

Program Environmental Health Surveillance System for the Amazon Region

Program Environmental Health Surveillance System for the Amazon Region
