Conservation of Renewable Natural Resources
Ongoing Projects
Implemented Projects
According to the thematic approach, the issue of conservation, protection and sustainable use of renewable natural resources has as objective the contribution to sustainable development and sustainable life and the maintenance of a clean and healthy environment, establishing the following sub-themes:
Forests. The objective of this subtopic is integrated and integral sustainable forest management and conservation that result in real benefits for local populations.
Water resources. Its objective is to Support the development and dissemination of a reference framework for efficient, integrated and comprehensive water resources management to promote increased access to water resources and its services by the population, especially sanitation, as a measure to improve the quality of life of Amazonian populations.
Management, monitoring and control of wild flora and fauna species endangered by trade. The objective of this subtopic is to strengthen institutional and technical capacity in the Amazon countries from a regional perspective to manage, monitor and control wild flora and fauna species endangered by trade.
Protected Areas. The objective of this subtopic is to strengthen management in national protected area systems with an ecosystem approach and contribute to biodiversity conservation in a regional context. Member Countries are being supported in the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
Sustainable use of biodiversity and promotion of biotrade. The objective is to promote sustainable biodiversity use and conservation through regional actions that favor trade and investments in biodiversity products in the Member Countries of ACTO, with emphasis on value adding in the country of origin and fair and equitable benefit sharing, giving priority to local development and food safety. This is another sub-item that is related to the CBD guidelines.
Research, technology, and innovation in Amazon biodiversity. The objective of this subtopic is to strengthen and develop knowledge and scientific, technological and innovation capabilities, as well as to incorporate the knowledge, expertise, and traditional practices for the conservation and the sustainable use of the Amazonian biodiversity.
Ongoing Projects
Project Contingency plans for health protection of highly vulnerable Indigenous Peoples and in Initial Contact
Project Contingency plans for health protection of highly vulnerable Indigenous Peoples and in Initial ContactVideosPhotosMore informationsThe project Contingency plans for health protection of highly vulnerable Indigenous Peoples and in Initial Contact seeks to...
Amazon Project: Regional action in the area of water resources
Amazon Project: Regional action in the area of water resourcesVideosPhotosMore informationsThe project is being implemented by the National Water and Sanitation Agency (ANA/ Brazil) and by the Brazilian Cooperation Agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (ABC/MRE...
Bioamazon Project
Regional Project for the Management, Monitoring and Control of Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Threatened by Trade Bioamazon Project Conservation of species threatened by unsustainable tradeVideosPhotosMore informationsComponent 1 National and regional information and...
Implemented Projects
Project Institutional strengthening of ACTO Member Countries in ecologically responsible forest management and conservation of biodiversity in the managed forests of the Amazon (ITTO/CBD/ACTO)
Project “Institutional Strengthening of the Member Countries of ACTO in forest management environmentally responsible and conservation of biodiversity in managed forests of the Amazon (ITTO / CBD / ACTO)More informationsPublicationsDocumentsThis project seeks to...
Monitoring Project of Forest Cover in the Amazon Region Monitoring of Deforestation, Forest Use and Changes in Land Use in the Pan Amazon Forest
Project Monitoring Forest Cover in the Amazon Region/ Monitoring Deforestation, Forest Use and Changes in Land Use in the Pan-Amazon ForestMore InformationsvideoDocuments The "Project Monitoring of Forest Cover in the Amazon Region”/“ Monitoring of Deforestation,...
ACTO/UNEP/GEF Project- Integrated and sustainable management of transboundary water resources of the Amazon river basin considering variability and climate change
ACTO/UNEP/GEF Project- Integrated and sustainable management of transboundary water resources of the Amazon river basin considering variability and climate changeMore Informations videos Documents ACTO / UNEP / GEF Project - Integrated and sustainable management of...

Amazon Assessment Report 2021 – Conservation measures to counter the main threats to Amazonian biodiversity – Chapter 27
Sectoral Agenda Conservation,Protection and Sustainable Use of Renewable Natural Resources Subtopic:
ACTO Foreign Ministers approve the Paramaribo Declaration and reinforce their commitment to the Amazon
Paramaribo, February 3, 2025 – The Foreign Affairs Ministers and high-level representatives of the States Parties of the Amazon...
Suriname to host the XV Ministers of Foreign Affairs of ACTO
Brasília, January 31, 2025 – On February 3, the city of Paramaribo, Suriname, will host the XV Meeting of Foreign Affairs of the Amazon...
ACTO strengthens international alliances for the protection of the Amazon
A new space for strategic coordination aims to align investments and strengthen international cooperation in the region. Brasília, January...
Event to discuss model forest law for the Pan-Amazon in Brasília
Brasília.- On January 27 and 28, 2025, Brasília will host two internationally significant events focused on forest preservation, organized...
Amazon in Action: First RAMIF Technical Group Meeting Begins in Brasília
Brasília, December 10 – With a strong call to action, the first Regional Workshop of the Technical Working Group of the Amazon Network for...
Fire Management: ACTO Presents its Strategic Plan at the Regional Dialogue in Chile
Santiago, November 28—Santiago, Chile, hosted the Regional Policy Dialogue on Disaster Risk Management (DRP) on November 26 and 27, 2024....