Author: Ministry of Environment and Water (MMAyA)
The Amazon Cooperation Treaty Organization (ACTO), within the framework of the Regional Project for the Management, Monitoring and Control of Wild Fauna and Flora Species Threatened by Trade (Bioamazon Project) has been supporting the strengthening of national information systems and knowledge management of the Plurinational State of Bolivia.
The National Museum of Natural History, under the supervision of the Ministry of the Environment and Water, is a public scientific institution that conducts permanent research on biodiversity in the country and in the management of this information. Additionally, the Museum is a CITES Scientific Authority and is an important tool for the Ministry of the Environment and Water in providing information and having the support of technical scientists to assist in decision-making.
As part of Component 1 of the Project, National and regional information and knowledge management systems, ACTO has financed the purchase of equipment for the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN), an investment that amounts to a total of US $ 60,910.00 (423,934.00 bolivianos).
On December 23, 2020, 47 multiple pieces of equipment were delivered to the Museum by the Vice Minister of Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Forest Management and Development, M. Sc. Ing. Magín Herrera López and the General Director of Biodiversity and Protected Areas Enzo Aliaga Rossel PhD. This equipment will be of great help for the Museum in: i) the generation and constant complementation of biodiversity information through field work; ii) contribute to the renewal of equipment and improve the registration / documentation of information and support the work of researchers, iii) disseminate the information generated through its media and Environmental Education and iv) strengthen the Museum’s information system and its databases.
The authority also visited the facilities of the MNHN and the collections of paleontology, flora (National Herbarium of Bolivia) and fauna (Bolivian Fauna Collection), collections of great national and international renown.
Finally, the Executive Director General a.i. of the Museum, Hugo Aranibar Rojas, thanked the Ministry of the Environment and Water and the ACTO for the equipment received and for the willingness to work together on future projects.

Photo 1. Deputy Minister of Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Forest Management and Development, M.Sc. Ing. Magín Herrera López, hands over the drone to the director of the National Museum of Natural History-MNHN, Lic. Hugo Aranibar Rojas.

Photo 2. The Director General of Biodiversity and Protected Areas, PhD. Enzo Aliaga Rossel, formally delivers the 47 support teams to the MNHN as part of the Bioamazon Project co-financed by OTCA and the KfW of the German Government.

Photo 3. The Vice Minister, visiting the National Herbarium of Bolivia, the result of an agreement with the MNHN and the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.

Photo 4. Vice Minister of Environment, Biodiversity, Climate Change and Forest Management and Development, M.Sc. Ing. Magín Herrera López visits facilities of the MNHN Paleontology Unit.

Photo 5. The Vice Minister Ing. Magín Herrera López visiting the Bolivian Fauna Collection, the result of an agreement with the MNHN and the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés.
Published in the Bioamazon Newsletter, edition no. 7, January-February 2021.