Observatorio Regional Amazónico (ORA)

El Observatorio Regional Amazónico (ORA) es un Centro de Referencia de Información sobre la Amazonía que propicia el flujo y el intercambio de información entre instituciones, autoridades gubernamentales, comunidad científica, academia y la sociedad civil de los Países Amazónicos de la Organización del Tratado de Cooperación Amazónica (OTCA).

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Status of Water Quality in the Amazon Basin – Executive Summary

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Water quality management is a common challenge, so it is a pleasure to present this executive summary of the Report on the Status of Water Quality in the Amazon Basin that will benefit this essential component of the Amazon Project – Regional Action in the Area of Water Resources” and the is result of the joint work of the institutions of the 8 Amazon countries responsible for public policies on the environment and management of water resources, which provided monitoring data from their national networks.
The document shows the main vectors that impact the quality of Amazonian waters resulting in the loss of biodiversity, the increase of water-borne diseases, the reduction of fishing, and the loss of tourist, cultural, and landscape values, among others. Studies of this type are important to properly inform and involve society, contributing to the establishment of public policies directed at the protection, recovery, and monitoring of aquatic ecosystems.